Monday, April 26, 2010

Final Reflection

I have always thought computers were useful. When I was 11 and 12, I went to computer sleep away camp. I said it--computer sleep away camp, also known as "geek camp." I played soccer with my counselors from Trinidad at night and learned how to program in BASIC and played with Midi systems during the day. As geeky as it was, it made using computers in high school much less intimidating. It also made me more willing to sign up for jobs that involved some basic level of computer skills as I got older. Geek camp lead me to apply to be trained to be a faculty technology worker at my first university. I mostly plugged in cables and taught older instructors how to turn the LCD project "ON" instead of "OFF," but it gave me a taste of how fast technology would change in the future and caused me to stay at least aware of what was going on in the tech world.

Considering how far computers have come over the past 20 years, the idea that I ever learned BASIC is funny now, but my simple understanding of how computer languages work has made me less fearful of HTML. My ability to at least comprehend HTML lead me to my current position. In a lot of ways, I feel the same about this class. Second Life will grow and change, and may someday go away completely. It may be replaced with something more revolutionary and cutting edge, and this new thing will seem inaccessible to anyone who is unfamiliar with Second Life. Classes like CALL keep me literate both in things that I find interesting and things that I find annoying. No employer will care what my personal opinion of Wikis is in the future, but they will care that I can sit down and build one so that students and/or instructors can communicate. Truthfully, if I am still working in ESL in 10 years, I will probably seek out another class like this to update me on the things that I missed in my world. I know I missed Delicious, Voicethreads, and blogs the first time around. My career is just starting and I have no clue where it will lead me, but I know that computers, like them or not, will always be involved, so I am grateful for any chance I get to learn more.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

We shall call it BLOG

After viewing several CALL presentations on Tuesday, I was struck by something that I had not thought about including in my CALL top 10 list--the blog. It seems so simple, and perhaps because it is the tool I use the most, I never even thought to include it in my language toolbox or my top 10 list. I have found in both this class and in Materials that blogging is an excellent way to research and muse on ideas, turn in assignments, explore new topics, and express myself as a person. After all, a paper that a student hands in can only have so many options--the font type, size, spacing, color of the paper. With blogging, I was able to include pictures, play with the background and font colors, include a graphic, and embed audio and video. After my experience, I feel like a blog is a good way to allow students to express themselves in a more universal way through visuals while they are still learning how to express themselves through their words. It is also a more efficient way to keep writing assignments collected so that students can go back and see for themselves how much they have improved over a semester. If students are in the US for the summer or a semester to learn English, the blog could serve as a way to share with friends and family what they are doing. It is also an easily accessible record of their academic time in the United States, and might be a free way that programs can "give" students something to remember their time. All in all, it is a great CALL tool, probably the one that I will use the most in future classroom settings.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Second Life

After much giggling and turning my nose up at it, I think I'm starting to see how Second Life could be a useful tool. Much like video chatting, this could be a good way for students to interact. Both SL and video conferencing tools allow people to come together in an authentic manner and use language, but SL appears to have several advantages. I could definitely see SL working for students in isolated situations, including English as a Foreign Language settings. By creating a virtual space for students to meet, English Language Learners can meet and participate in activities that will give them something to talk about. One of the biggest problems I've experienced with conversation partners is a lack of things to talk about, but with SL, ELLs can "visit" different "places"--ie, the Eiffel Tower, Tikal, Rome, etc.--and talk about those particular things. Students can "friend" each other, which means that if they set a time and a meeting location, they can avoid having to find new people to talk to each time they sign on. There are many strange things about SL, but it does appear that this is a good medium for learning English.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Video Conferencing Tools

Using a video conferencing tools in a language classroom could have many useful applications. One possible application might be having students do group work outside of the classroom. Many students in ESL classes who have been in the United States for awhile work odd hours and/or have transportation problems. Teaching students how to use video conferencing tools might make arranging time for group work easier. Another interesting possibility might be doing a conversation exchanges with students studying English in EFL settings, making "video" pals. Also, instructors who are amenable to having students contact them outside of the classroom could use video tools when students are working on a large project and have questions. If the instructor was online, asking questions via video chat may clear up more in 2 minutes of chat time than a back and forth via email that could take significantly longer. One way that Meebo would be a good choice for this last option would be that the application allows you to sign into more than one account simultaneously. Why is this important? Instructors who have multiple IDs in email programs like gmail (one for professional use and one for personal use) could be signed into multiple accounts at the same time.

Thursday, April 1, 2010


As this article describes e-Journaling, it seems more like email between the study participants and researchers to get general feedback on the participants frustrations and successes with the study. While this was a rather ingenious way for the researchers to receive feedback, a major drawback is that students were not able to look at each others correspondence. The most learner-centered and time-efficient way that I could envision working this process in an ESL setting is through blogging. Blogging has several advantages—respondents can leave immediate feedback, students can look at each others blogs and see what types of issues/successes they have been having, and it is an easy way for instructors to gather student work in a clean fashion (easy-to-read layout and no pen and paper mess). Blogging has few disadvantages, but there is a learning curve associated with learning how to use the technology. Blogging on one topic could lead students to find and create content for a larger assignment, like a final paper or ideas for a larger final project. Could this be used as a way of “e-brainstorming”? Also, blogs can be a way for students to “create” something that they can share with friends and family both here and abroad to showcase what they have been doing!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Wikis--a source of good or evil?

First a personal note: when I am researching a topic on the internet and stumble across a wiki-site that was obviously done for a class, I find student created wikis to be fun to look at for about 6 seconds before I close it and look for something more reliable. I find that wikis that are open to the public and were not put together by a tech-saavy person to be clutter on the internet. Is this harsh? Possibly, but it is a personal thing--I would rather find a good link to an academic (or reliable) article or data source than find a wiki that quotes this data source and have to mine the wiki to find the link. I also really dislike having to work in not astheticaly-pleasing online resources, like wikis created by people like me with limited tech experience, that have my name on them for all the world to see.

My personal opinions aside, I found these articles interesting. The annoyance and the bitterness displayed for wikis in the Klunder article is nicely juxtaposed by the great writing experience in the Krueger blog. I did ask myself if the annoyance at wikis displayed in the Klunder article came more from poor teaching strategies. Did the instructor spend enough time introducing wikis and having students work on a small collaborative project before introducing the larger assignment? It doesn't appear so. Was it really necessary to use a wiki to prove that all students were contributing equally? Maybe, but I question this because because when students can sit down and physically talk to each other, is it really necessary to write collaborative papers? Although students in the Klueger blog also did not appear to have a lot of training, it seemed that the distance learning format of the course might have made wikis more from the students' lack of ability to sit down and talk together. The key to his success may have been that the wikis literally provided a space for the community to happen, and students were eager participants.

Given these two scenarios, perhaps it is best to state that we, as instructors, should consider both the good and bad aspects of using a wiki.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

LING487 CALL Final Project Proposal

LING487 CALL Final Project

A collaborative group effort between Jessina Branyan and Christina Indovina.

1. The CALL tool you'll be using

We will be using the free written American English online corpora for guiding students through concordance searches.

2. The purpose of the instructional activity

The activity would be designed for students to "discover" in groups how to correct their problem areas concerning use of prepositions and articles.

3. The intended audience of the instructional activity

Advanced ESL academic students of reading/writing class. We envision this activity taking place after students' first draft of their paper has been returned.

4. A brief description of the activity/lesson itself

-Receive feedback about their "problem" areas--preposition and article usage being the two areas that we are having the students focus on

-First individually and then in groups, students will use the concordance generator to tease out the subtler uses of their focus area.

-Students work in their groups to peer teach what they have learned to the rest of the class by giving a mini-presentation.

5. A brief explanation of how the CALL tool or interface enhances language acquisition in this activity

In the context that we will be using it, the concordance generator will serve as a conciousness-raising tool. As students use the generator to find patterns, they will also be reading authentic material that will repeatedly expose them to the many different ways that articles and prepositions are used in writing. Because concordance generators are free and readily accessible on the internet, we are also hopeful that this activity will demonstrate to students how they are able to independently use the tool when they have future grammar questions.

6. Links to any online sites you think you'll be using

Free spoken American English online corpora:

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Wh-quesitons in context AND exciting movie vocabulary!

"Jessina and Christina Go to the Movies!"
This podcast is designed to give upper intermediate level students a chance to hear a situation where wh-questions are used in everyday life. It is also designed to give students a chance to learn some movie vocabulary!

Link to our podcast

Before you listen:
Look at the movie vocabulary list below and see if you can identify any of the words before you listen to the podcast. As you listen to the recording, see how many of the words you can guess based on what is being said during the phone call.

Vocabulary list:
The Chicago Reader (website)
lead actor/actress
action movie (see action-packed)
(to) star
3-D glasses
chick flick

While you are listening:
Attention to details: What do you think "what about" and "how about" mean in these questions?

Post-Listening Activities:

Practice using wh- questions
Wh-questions are used A LOT when we are trying to make decisions about things to do or places to go! Below is an activity that will help you practice using wh- questions and practice your new movie vocabulary!

What do YOU want to see?
Download Partner A and Partner B below.

Partner A

Partner B

Learning New Ways of Saying the Same Thing:
In conversational English, we often cut words out of sentences to make them shorter, or more informal. Look over section 2 of this transcript (on pages 1 and 2) and see if you can find four examples of questions that do not start with wh- words. When you find the three examples, see if you can re-write the same questions into the more traditional longer, or more formal, forms. Click the link below that says "Check your answers!" When you are finished, try and figure out with a partner when you would use informal questions versus when you would use formal questions.

Check your answers!

Transcript for our podcast:
Page 1
Page 2
Page 3

Useful Links

Chicago Reader Website

Learn more about IMAX Chicago

Database of movies in English

Chicago CTA

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Writing/editing using computers

Gaskell's article about how to use online concordances was really interesting to me. One thing that they said was that their research did not conclusively prove anything--of the 20 students who participated in the project, only 8 self-reported feeling better about their writing (and their skills actually increased), whereas 11 students actually showed MORE errors in their writing. It seems to have helped those 8 students, and when I put myself into their shoes as a language learner, I think I would fall into the category of the 8 successful students for several reasons.

I like being able to understand a pattern myself. When a teacher gives me a rule to follow and uses a lot of meta-language, it is like having to remember the original rule PLUS all the other rules associated with it. I once conducted a classroom observation of a volunteer instructor where I used to work and watched a class took a drastic turn towards confusion as a teacher was trying to review the differences between "because" and "because of." She wrote the word "adverb clause" on the board and told students that they were to use what they had learned the week before--because is always followed by an adverb clause and because of is always followed by a noun, common or proper.

Students were supposed to be focusing on when they used the different types of "because," and instead spent most of their time trying to recall the definition of an adverb clause and bickering over the differences between common and proper nouns. There were MANY other issues associated with this, but I could see where if students would write a couple of sentences in a computer program attempting to use because/because of and used Gaskell's concordance generator, I think they would have been able to *see* the rule (without it being told to them) and realize, "when because is followed by a complete sentence, its one type; when it is followed by a person, place or thing, its another type."

Gaskell also pointed out that this is a time consuming process because the student is responsible for figuring out *which* of the generated uses matches what they are trying to say, and then how exactly to fix what they were trying to say to make it correct. In many ways, its moving the learning from a passive paper-correcting mode to an active grammar and syntax learning mode. Overall, I would give it a try--it seems like with more time, most students would really benefit.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

American Football: Gameday!

Interested in learning about American Football in Special English?

Look no further! Also, includes a short vocab list. Follow the link to learn about NFL football:

Exercise 1 - Before listening, review the vocabulary words listed below. If you don't already know the word, click on it and read the definition provided. Do you know other sports where some of these words might be use to describe the sport? If so, which sports and how are these words used? Write or say to a partner at least one sentence using 5 words from the list.
New Vocabulary

(words not found in the VOA Special English Word List)

1. regular season
2. playoffs
3. depend
4. schedule
5. tournament
6. "I get it." "I see."
7. take place
8. advance
9. quarter
10. offense
11. defense
12. touchdown
13. field goal
14. quarterback
15. weekend
16. make it
17. unfortunately
18. awesome

(For questions about words that do not appear on the new vocabulary list, check the Voice of America Special English Word Book at )

Exercise 2 - While listening to the podcast try to listen to the words or phrases that aren't linked to definitions (1, 2, 6, 12, 13) and write your own definitions of the words as you understand them from the explanations provided or the context in which the words are used.

Exercise 3 - Think about the New Orleans Saints and their success in the NFL this last season. Can you think of other sports that have similar process of elimination for determining the best team? Can you explain how it's similar or different than the process the NFL uses?

Created by Christina Indovina and Nicolas May

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Voice Threads

In many ways, this software provides a way for students to collaborate in groups to produce an authentic task, something that Robinson found to be highly effective in language production. The students in Brazil who put together the slide show for the Brazilian EFL teacher's voice thread worked on an authentic task to produce an item that was then publicly posted for the world to comment on. This also looks like it would be fairly straight forward to put together, so students would potentially not be met with an overly complex task that would produce anxiety.

Using Chapelle's criteria for evaluating a good CALL speaking tool, it does seem to provide a "good fit" for the learner since it is all recorded externally, so students would be exposed to whatever range of dialects that teachers see fit. The voice threads that I watched all appeared to be based around photos, so there is not really any explicit teaching happening. I could see this working if there were photos of people working on how your mouth should look when producing a certain sound and then having students record their own attempts at doing this. There is certainly a lot of interaction with the computer, and potentially with other students via a computer, so these all seem to play in favor of using voice threads. Also, the voice recordings that students leave would allow the instructor to evaluate student performance. As for feedback, I am not sure how successful that would be in such a public forum. However, the program definitely allows students to explore outside the classroom.

My personal opinion about Voice Threads is that they could have many different uses in a classroom. I could see them functioning very well in a setting where distance-learning was an issue, or if a teacher wanted to ask students to work collaboratively on a project (similar to responding to a post in Blackboard or in a Wiki). It seems like the instructor would have to plan this out very carefully for it to work effectively. Also, it seems like students would have to become more familiar with the software--several participants were having obvious issues understanding if they were being recorded or holding the mic close enough to their faces. Overall, I think that this has the potential of being a very successful outside of classroom tool.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Sign language and Air Force One

I reviewed two videos using YouTube.

The first one is in a language I am not very familiar with--ASL, or American Sign Language.

ASL is great for video since it is 100 percent visual. I thought that I couldn't go wrong with any video that I watched since it's visual, right? I found that the answer wasn't as simple as I had thought. First off, all of the expertvillage ASL videos are incorrectly--I was excited to learn the word for mother and father, and instead learned how to say I stopped the clock yesterday, sorry. I found the woman to be easy to follow, If I were a student, I would have felt good about everything this woman was telling me. She was slow, clear, and even though I questioned her methods (or lack thereof) of chunking relevant materials, I felt success at the end of several 2 minute sements. And then I read user comments like this lady doesn't know what she's doing, her As and Gs are all wrong, go back to school, etc. It made me realize that as a student, this is a GREAT long as you have someone to guide you toward high quality material. Perhaps this is the use of teacher playlists?

The second video I watched was clearly marked: Listening, vocab with quiz! English meeting lesson-Air Force One.

Since the video first starts with this guy pretending to be the president of the USA, my first thought was, oh man this guy is cheesy! But I figured he had 9 minutes to get more interesting, so I kept watching. The intro ended up fitting well with the theme of a visit to the Ronald Reagan Library. After the cheesiness and before the footage of the library, he introduced a few vocabulary words that he thought might be useful for students. Once the footage of the library started, he used natural (non-ESL) speech to talk about interesting things that he saw at the library. He followed this segment up with a series of questions that seemed to be geared towards students taking notes on what they thought were the main ideas. I really liked the first 7 minutes of this video--I thought that even though the intro was silly, it kept my attention and made me have some fun with it. I could not see using the whole 9 minutes of this, but I thought that the visit to the library might provide good footage for intermediate students who are in an EAP class learning how to take notes.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Vocabulary work

I poked around on this website for a bit and had these thoughts.

1). For low level students, pictures with audio is pretty great. It is always helpful to hear how a word is produced while being able to look at a picture and the name of the item. These types of things are good for personal review and/or enrichment.
2). The "quizzes" just ask the student to write the name of the item next to the pictures. There are no sentences where the item is used in context, nor do the tests as you to fill in a missing word from a word bank. I'm not sure if students would necessarily remember these words unless the instructor included some other dimension that included some deeper processing of these words.
3) This seems to be some sort of English for specific purposes website, but I can't exactly tell what the theme is. Some better cohesion between the items on the website would be good, but that's just an opinion.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Voice of America, not just American propaganda

Voice of America

This is a site that I found a long time ago, but I only just explored it last night in any great detail. This site is a daily news site that is an offshoot of the radio station broadcast into many regions of the world (admittedly as propaganda, but still a good English source). The stories contained would be good for reading for comprehension. With graded English like this, students would have a good handle on most of the content words and be able to read, answer questions, and have group discussions. This website is good because it allows for a decent daily selection of articles on relevant news topics that are written in a version of graded English. Written in the same format as the radio broadcasts, these articles have some length, so they allow for depth of idea, but they also seem to use higher frequency words so as to be understood by a large audience. This seems as though it might be good for an intermediate class to use before transitioning them to non-graded VOA website (the regular English edition).

Another good reason to use this is that the website features the ability to listen to many of the posted stories so there is an added audio component.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Previous Experience with CALL

Working in an underfunded ESL program where we were excited to get notebooks and chalk, I consider myself pretty far behind in the CALL field. Most of my learners did not have access to a computer, and we as a program didn't have access to a computer lab. Outside of helping students set up email accounts at the public library, we tried to avoid the topic completely. I'm not completely illiterate--I can debug a computer, create a PowerPoint presentation, download a podcast, and follow cables and wires to figure out why the printer isn't working, but previous to UIC, my exposure to academic technology was limited. My first introduction to Blackboard was at Tulane University while I was working there, and I was mystified by it the first time I saw it. I'm looking forward to learning as much of this as possible.

My question: using computers in a classroom seems like a great idea, but how do you ensure that all of your students are on the same technology page? If they aren't, how do you ensure that those students don't hold other students back?