This podcast is designed to give upper intermediate level students a chance to hear a situation where wh-questions are used in everyday life. It is also designed to give students a chance to learn some movie vocabulary!
Link to our podcast
Before you listen:
Look at the movie vocabulary list below and see if you can identify any of the words before you listen to the podcast. As you listen to the recording, see how many of the words you can guess based on what is being said during the phone call.
Vocabulary list:
The Chicago Reader (website)
lead actor/actress
action movie (see action-packed)
(to) star
3-D glasses
chick flick
While you are listening:
Attention to details: What do you think "what about" and "how about" mean in these questions?
Post-Listening Activities:
Practice using wh- questions
Wh-questions are used A LOT when we are trying to make decisions about things to do or places to go! Below is an activity that will help you practice using wh- questions and practice your new movie vocabulary!
What do YOU want to see?
Download Partner A and Partner B below.

Learning New Ways of Saying the Same Thing:
In conversational English, we often cut words out of sentences to make them shorter, or more informal. Look over section 2 of this transcript (on pages 1 and 2) and see if you can find four examples of questions that do not start with wh- words. When you find the three examples, see if you can re-write the same questions into the more traditional longer, or more formal, forms. Click the link below that says "Check your answers!" When you are finished, try and figure out with a partner when you would use informal questions versus when you would use formal questions.

Transcript for our podcast:

Useful Links
Chicago Reader Website
Learn more about IMAX Chicago
Database of movies in English
Chicago CTA
The materials on the blog are great. I think that the blog accompanies the podcast well and allows for independent learning. The linked vocabulary list would be really helpful for students. Great job!